Dec 25, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: bass fishing

. Dec 25, 2009

Nama Kamu: admo
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: bass fishing
Isi Artikel n Request game: request game
Visitor Ip:

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Dec 14, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: game

. Dec 14, 2009

Nama Kamu: hadi
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: game
Isi Artikel n Request game: mas tolong game sonic yang portable y,,,
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Dec 12, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: game

. Dec 12, 2009

Nama Kamu: wildan
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: game
Isi Artikel n Request game: mas tolong upload pes 2008+serial num,ber
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Dec 8, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: emulator ps2 komplit bios

. Dec 8, 2009

Nama Kamu: musa heri
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: emulator ps2 komplit bios
Isi Artikel n Request game: emulator ps2 bios
Visitor Ip:

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Dec 2, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: game

. Dec 2, 2009

Nama Kamu: affan
Alamat Email mu: afan_siefa73\"
Judul: game
Isi Artikel n Request game: racing
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Nov 26, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: SUIKODEN V

. Nov 26, 2009

Nama Kamu: fold96
Alamat Email mu:
Isi Artikel n Request game: Suikoden V

Sampul Suikoden 5Bercerita tentang sebuah negara Falena, sebuah negara keratuan yang dipimpin oleh seorang ratu bernama Arshtat Falenas. Ratu ini memiliki salah satu dari 27 True Rune yaitu Sun Rune. Didalam negara ini selain kerajaan, terdapat juga 2 kelompok fraksi besar yang memainkan peranan penting, yaitu Godwin dan Barows. Keduanya memiliki misi dan visi berbeda dengan kerajaan, sehingga terjadi 3 persengketaan politik yang bertentangan antara pihak kerajaan Falena, Godwin, dan Barows. Sun Rune juga merupakan salah satu pembahasan penting di Suikoden V, bersama dengan turunan rune dari Sun Rune, Dawn Rune dan Twilight Rune. Nantinya pemeran utama Suikoden V akan memiliki salah satu dari turunan Sun Rune. Pemeran utama Suikoden V adalah anak dari ratu Arshtat, seorang pangeran Falena, Freyjadour Falenas, yang berumur belasan tahun, dia mempunyai adik perempuan bernama Lymselia Falenas, yang dikatakan bakal menjadi penerus ratu Falena selanjutnya.

Keadaan semakin tegang salah satu diantara dua fraksi besar kelompok tersebut menyerang Istana Timur Falena dan merampas salah satu turunan dari Sun Rune yaitu Dawn Rune. Tidak ada yang mengetahui bahwa serangan itu dibuat oleh salah satu fraksi dan sengaja mengkambing-hitamkan ke pihak rakyat Lordlake. Hal ini membuat ratu Arshtat marah dan kemudian dengan menggunakan kekuatan Sun Rune menghancurkan kota Lordlake yang dianggapnya sebagai pemberontak. Kota Lordlake yang telah hancur tersebut kemudian susah untuk dibangun ulang karena efek dari Sun Rune membuat kota itu gersang, dan berkabut yang menyebabkan sumber penyakit. Setelah menggunakan kekuatan Sun Rune, ratu Arshtat semakin susah untuk mengontrol diri sendiri dan semakin dikendalikan oleh kekuatan Sun Rune.

Fraksi Godwin suatu waktu mengadakan kudeta dan menyerang istana, pemimpin Godwin yaitu Marscal Godwin dan Gizel Godwin berhasil menguasai Istana Matahari. Ratu Arshtat yang sedang dikepung menggunakan kekuatan Sun Rune, yang tanpa disadarinya juga menyebabkan kematian suaminya, Ferid Egan. Akibatnya, ratu Arshtat yang mengalami kesedihan dan kemarahan semakin menggunakan kekuatan paling besar dari Sun Rune, disaat itu salah satu pengawal elite kerajaan, Queen\'s Knight, yaitu Georg Prime, membunuh sang Ratu karena kekuatannya itu dapat menghancurkan seluruh kerajaan Falena. Setelah membunuh, Georg Prime berhasil membawa kabur Freyjadour, tetapi gagal menolong putri Lymselia yang sudah tertangkap lebih dulu oleh pihak Godwin.

Pada akhirnya, Freyjadour mengumpulkan satu per satu pasukan, mulai dari prajurit sisa kerajaan yang masih setia, anggota Barows dan Godwin yang memihaknya, rakyat Lordlake, Raftleet, pasukan Naga, Beavers, pasukan dari negara Armes, dan ahli strategi Lucretia membentuk suatu pasukan besar. Kekuatan pasukan baru Freyjadour Falenas akhirnya menang dan mengambil kembali Sun Palace. Putri Lymselia diangkat menjadi ratu selanjutnya menggantikan ibunya. Sun Rune kembali disimpan didalam ruangan khusus di Istana Matahari bersama dengan Dawn Rune dan Twilight Rune.
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Nov 24, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: cari kaset PS 2 berformat iso

. Nov 24, 2009

Nama Kamu: AGASTIA
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: cari kaset PS 2 berformat iso
Isi Artikel n Request game: cari kaset PS 2 berformat iso
Visitor Ip:

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Oct 19, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: Sex in Young

. Oct 19, 2009

Nama Kamu: fendy
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: Sex in Young
Isi Artikel n Request game: Sex in Young is Very Fun
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Oct 17, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: simulati memelihara binatang

. Oct 17, 2009

Nama Kamu: imam
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: simulati memelihara binatang
Isi Artikel n Request game: ingin mencari game simulasi memelihara binatang
Visitor Ip:

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Oct 2, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: emulator ps2 lengkap sama biosnya

. Oct 2, 2009

Nama Kamu: yanuar
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: emulator ps2 lengkap sama biosnya
Isi Artikel n Request game: pengen maen ps2 di computer niech.....
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Sep 27, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: Request Game

. Sep 27, 2009

Nama Kamu: Okta
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: Request Game
Isi Artikel n Request game: Minta Need For Speed Carbon donk, seru buat balapan nih
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Sep 4, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: minta game

. Sep 4, 2009

Nama Kamu: dani
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: minta game
Isi Artikel n Request game: bisa gak q request game real football 2010
yang buat nokia 5300
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Kirim artikel & request games: minta game


Nama Kamu: dani
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: minta game
Isi Artikel n Request game: bisa gak q request game real football 2010
yang buat nokia 5300
Visitor Ip:

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Aug 29, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: pingin mnta game

. Aug 29, 2009

Nama Kamu: ricky
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: pingin mnta game
Isi Artikel n Request game: tolong dong aq minta game need for speed n tolong jelasin gimana caranya instalnya
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Kirim artikel & request games: request game


Nama Kamu: rokib
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: request game
Isi Artikel n Request game: saya itu seorang pengoleksi game2 namun game yang saya belum punya itu game tentang petualangan. makadari itu saya request game petualangan nya donk.
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Kirim artikel & request games: minta game


Nama Kamu: taufik
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: minta game
Isi Artikel n Request game: saya sangat hobi bermain game namun, game2 sekarang tidak ada yang seru. makanya saya minta game olah raga terutama game sepak bola.please!
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Aug 26, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: mencari dana

. Aug 26, 2009

Nama Kamu: irwan
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: mencari dana
Isi Artikel n Request game: saya ingin melunasi utang2 saya yang banyak tolong berikan jalan keluarnya supaya cepat lunas,terimakasih.
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Aug 20, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: memancing

. Aug 20, 2009

Nama Kamu: SAMSUL
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: memancing
Isi Artikel n Request game: tolong dong....bagi yang punya game mancing yang portable kirimin ke email ku, soalnya aku dah beberapa dapat tapi gak ada yang bagus...tolong ya...plesss....
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Kirim artikel & request games: CTR


Nama Kamu: Fadel Jufri
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: CTR
Isi Artikel n Request game: Tambahin yang dari Mediafire dong. Cara rapidshare susah banget!
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Kirim artikel & request games: speed 7


Nama Kamu: abil
Alamat Email mu: 12345
Judul: speed 7
Isi Artikel n Request game: mbil danjalan
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Aug 19, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: game real football 2010

. Aug 19, 2009

Nama Kamu: rofiq
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: game real football 2010
Isi Artikel n Request game: dicini ada ga\'ya game real football 2010
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Kirim artikel & request games: game new


Nama Kamu: rofiq
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: game new
Isi Artikel n Request game: om minta game petualangan yang asyik buuuaaaaaangeeeeet
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Aug 14, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: battle realms

. Aug 14, 2009

Nama Kamu: Andi Suhendi
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: battle realms
Isi Artikel n Request game: bos minta donk game battle realms nya
Visitor Ip:

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Aug 10, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: action

. Aug 10, 2009

Nama Kamu: kardel
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: action
Isi Artikel n Request game: rock legend
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Aug 1, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: warning

. Aug 1, 2009

Nama Kamu: irwan
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: warning
Isi Artikel n Request game: maaf mas ini bukan game,sampai saat ini sy tdk bisa menghapus warning,ada 14 warning saat ini,dan apa itu warning,mohon sy diberi jawabannya dan sblumnya sy ucapkan trimkasih.
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Kirim artikel & request games: combat


Nama Kamu: irwan
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: combat
Isi Artikel n Request game: sdh beberapakali saya mendownload tidak mau,karena itulah alasan sy mengunjungi anda,semoga sy berhasil.
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Jun 25, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: kirim game logika dunk

. Jun 25, 2009

Nama Kamu: jabug
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: kirim game logika dunk
Isi Artikel n Request game: dsfdsfdsfdsfsdf4g2g
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Jun 17, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: game logika

. Jun 17, 2009

Nama Kamu: kharis
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: game logika
Isi Artikel n Request game: mas..bagi game logikanya ya klo punya.thanks
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Kirim artikel & request games: game logika


Nama Kamu: kharis
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: game logika
Isi Artikel n Request game: mas bagi game logikanya kalo punya..thanks
Visitor Ip:

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Jun 10, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: Batman

. Jun 10, 2009

Nama Kamu: saepul bahri
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: Batman
Isi Artikel n Request game: mo belajar main game ^^
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Kirim artikel & request games: a


Nama Kamu: kholis
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: a
Isi Artikel n Request game: a
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Kirim artikel & request games: need for speed under cover


Nama Kamu: yadie
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: need for speed under cover
Isi Artikel n Request game: gua dah nyari tp blum dapat juga
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Kirim artikel & request games: need sportspeed


Nama Kamu: yadie
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: need sportspeed
Isi Artikel n Request game: gua banget
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Jun 8, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: need for speed underground 2

. Jun 8, 2009

Nama Kamu: gatot
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: need for speed underground 2
Isi Artikel n Request game: need for speed underground 2
Visitor Ip:

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Jun 1, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: battle realm

. Jun 1, 2009

Nama Kamu: eko prasetya
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: battle realm
Isi Artikel n Request game: tolong kirimin game strategy battle realm
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May 28, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: army

. May 28, 2009

Nama Kamu: hadi
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: army
Isi Artikel n Request game: tolong di kirim game tentang armi/soldier.makasih ya
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May 19, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: need for speed underground 2

. May 19, 2009

Nama Kamu: gatot
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: need for speed underground 2
Isi Artikel n Request game: need for speed underground 2
Visitor Ip:

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May 18, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: petualangan

. May 18, 2009

Nama Kamu: jun
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: petualangan
Isi Artikel n Request game: harry poter
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May 13, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: 395124

. May 13, 2009

Nama Kamu: keko
Alamat Email mu: sdroehueyey
Judul: 395124
Isi Artikel n Request game: tack
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May 9, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: cooking game

. May 9, 2009

Nama Kamu: jhons toores tato
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: cooking game
Isi Artikel n Request game: anak saya rewel minta game memasak pusing juga nyarinya ada gak yg cocok dg pentium3 karna hanya komputer type itu yg saya miliki vGAnya pun hanya type AGP tolong dong carikan game yg cocok buat komputer saya jangan game onlaine ya thank
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May 7, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: Need For Speed Underground 2

. May 7, 2009

Nama Kamu: Erik A P
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: Need For Speed Underground 2
Isi Artikel n Request game: karena aku hobby maen game balapan. thanks n GBU
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May 6, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: fgdf

. May 6, 2009

Nama Kamu: dsf
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: fgdf
Isi Artikel n Request game: fdgfdg
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May 1, 2009

game Portable Aliens vs Predator Eng

. May 1, 2009

Makhluk luar angkasa lawan Predator fiksi ilmu pengetahuan terlebih dulu-orang penembak. Anda harus memilih seorang di antara tiga orang peran utama itu - bergigi tajam dan bercakar tajam Asing, diam dan pemburu ideal - Predator, atau kelautan prajurit infanteri.
silahkan pilih yag mana anda suka
System requirements:
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
1 GHz
256 MB RAM
Link download game :
Rapidshare 1
Rapidshare 2
Rapidshare 3
Easy-share 1
Easy-share 2
Easy-share 3
MediaFire 1
MediaFire 2
MediaFire 3

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Apr 30, 2009

Game anti planet

. Apr 30, 2009

salah satu game yang laris di cari adalah game tembak tembakan dengan background cerita perang antar planet yang idep-idep ngimpi jadi satria jade star war. kebetulan ini ada game ringan yang bisa didownload uuntuk memuaskan fantasi perang amu. judulnya anti planet
Game Portable AntiPlanet 1.2.5 punya ukuran ringan sekitar 20Mb, dengan System requirements:
Windows 2000/XP
800 MHz
256 MB RAM
cukup coba saalah satu link

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Apr 27, 2009

Portable Ford Racing Off Road game 2008

. Apr 27, 2009

Balapan arungan ke luar dari pengambilan Jalan multi-juta menjual Arungan hak monopoli jauh dari jalan setapak dan jalan perkotaan pendahulunya ke keras dan keras keadaan tanah untuk waktu terlebih dulu. Ford Racing Off Road juga menandakan perkenalan bergengsi Land Rover mengecap, yang, suka Arungan, mempunyai peninggalan panjang menghasilkan memelopori lepas dari kendaraan jalan. Pemain sekarang bisa membalap suatu world?s paling keras lepas dari truk jalan, 4?4?s dan SUVs lewat lingkungan terperinci, mempesonakan pemandangan, dan jalan setapak luas yang lebar mendesain untuk balapan yang berkecepatan tinggi. Roman suka realtime, di--pergi reparasi kerusakan kendaraan, percepatan yang lebih cepat daripada binatang buruan Arungan sebelumnya yang mana pun, dan rute alternatif menimbulkan sekebanyakan kesempatan baru dan eksklusif untuk menguji pemain yang mendorong keahlian di kecepatan tinggi

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Apr 26, 2009

emulator psx ps1

. Apr 26, 2009

emulator yang pertama kali saya pakai adalah emuator p x dan satu paket dengan ISO tekken 3. dari sinilah saya kenalah dengan emulator. bagi yang blom tahu saya jelaskan sedikit supaya tambah bingng.
seperti yang kita kenal ps , ninteno, xbox bukanlah komputer yang bisa diinstall sembarangan namun berupa perangkan game dengan programnya yang satu pake. emulator adalah paket tiruan dari mesin game dan program gamenya sehingga dengan pc dapat main game yang sama pada mesin game tersebut. misalkan emulator ps3 berarti program tiruan ps3 yang diinstall di komputer. biasany emulator bisa membaca file game dari CD ato DVD ROM ato dari rom virtual berupa ISO, PNG dan lain-lain.
bagi yang pingin download emulator ps 1 ini lnknya . setelah didownload bisa main psx yang ada di cd rom komputer kamu.

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Apr 25, 2009

emulator ps terkecil

. Apr 25, 2009

mungkin ini merupakan emulator terkecil maksudnya kapasitasnya cukup kecil untuk dapat dipercaya soalnya emulator psx aja kapasitasnya sampe 21 Mb tapi ini emulator ps 2 cuma 4 MB apakah salah tulis salah baca salah dengar tapi begitulah kenyataanya. untuk membuktikannya silahkan aja download link berikut dan coba mainkan.

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game dragon ball Evolution (PSP)


dragon ball lemang terkenal dari mulai komik, kartun sampai film dan kartun sexnya juga ada penggemarnya juga banyak takheran jika ada pula gamenya mulai nintendo, sega, sony plastation, portable bahkan game untuk pc juga ada. kali ini saya kasih deh game dragon ball evolution sesuai dengan filmnya yang lagi hadir di dunia ini. namun jangan kaget kalau ini game untuk game plastation portable ato biasa disebut psp , untuk lebih komplit nya lihat aja di
untuk download dan nama link downloadnya ada di ziddu silahkan daftar ziddu dulu disini
terus search teman dengan email, klik "add buddy"
pasti diterima, dan kamu bisa download link-link semua filenya termasuk yang kamu pingini
part duanya ada di ziddu dan passwordnya

Klik disini untuk melanjutkan »»

Apr 24, 2009

Kirim artikel & request games: butuh need for speed

. Apr 24, 2009

Nama Kamu: has
Alamat Email mu:
Judul: butuh need for speed
Isi Artikel n Request game: tolonfg dong carikan game nee dfor speed yang protable. kayaknya seru! n spesifikasinya pas buat komputer aku. oh ya kalao bisa yang underground 2. kalau ada cepet dong posting, dah gak sabar nih.
Visitor Ip:

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Apr 23, 2009

emulator PS 2 for Linux

. Apr 23, 2009

bagi pengguna linux yang ketakutan kena razia dantaat hukum, jangan kawatir gak bisa main PS 2 pake emulator karena sekarang sudah ditemukan solusinya emulator untuk ps2 pada operating system linux. tedapat tiga jenis yang tidak perlu saya terangkan saya yakin pengguna linux sudah paham mana file yang dibutuhkan dan harus di download :
Download 32bit Version , linknya
Download 64bit Version, linknya
dan Download BIOS

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free Rapidshare Premium Account Gratis Cara 2


setelah berkelana dan berkunjung ke berbagai pelosok desa dan kota di dunia maya alhirnya saya menemukan lagi cara hebat dan mantap untuk memperoleh account premium rapidshare secara gratis. dan bisa membuktikannya tanpa nyolong atau menghack atau pakai mesin pembuat alun rapidshare palsu yang jelas ini legal dan berkhasiat. selain itu cara ini juga bisa menjadi mesin pencari uang .. di internet. seperti halnya cara pertama cara kedua juga saya teruh di ziddu.
pingin tahu caranya , silahkan daftar ziddu dulu di sini kalao sudah daftar masuk aja terus cari friends dengan email . terus invite dengan klik "add buddy".
maka jika anda sudah diterima otomatis file cara memperoleh rapidshare gratis bisa anda peroleh.

Klik disini untuk melanjutkan »»

Apr 22, 2009

emulator PS 2 yang baru n lain lagi

. Apr 22, 2009

dulu pernah saya uploadkan emulator ps 2 dan biosnya juga dengan kapasitas 6,4 MB. kalau yang kemarin gagal bisa dicoba file yang ini kelasnya gak jah beda dan ukurannya relatif sama 6,6 MB beda sedikit tapi dicoba aja dulu siapa tahu emulator in ibisa digunakan untuk main game ps 2 lumayan, daripada beli ps 2 yang harganya selangit tuuuh..
say aterangkan juga ini emulator Playstation 2 Emulator versi 2.09.01 jadi kalau ada yang menawarkan dengan versi yang sama berarti sama dengan emulator yang saya tawarkan kali ini

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Apr 21, 2009

emulator Sega Genesis dan bonus games ratusan

. Apr 21, 2009

Sega Genesis Emulator w plus 845 Games, hebat bukan jadi link berikut ini yang akan saya berikan berisi game sega gensis sebanyak 845 game dan saya berikan pula emulatornya. karena banyak dengan sengaja filenya dibagi empat, dowload semua file trus taruh dalam satu folder lalu ekstrak file yang pertama maka akan terekstrak semua secara otomatis dalam satu folder baru.
game yang tersedia sebagai berikut :
16 Tiles Mahjong (Unl) [h2].zip
688 Attack Sub (U) [!].zip
777 Casino (Unl) [h1].zip


Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (4) [!].zip
Action 52-in-1 (UJE) [c][!].zip
Action Replay (JUE) [!].zip
Activator Command Demo 30 Hz (JUE) [c][!].zip
Activator Command Demo 60 Hz (JUE) [c][!].zip
Addams Family Values (8) [!].zip
Addams Family, The (UE) [!].zip
Aero Blasters (JU) [a1].zip
Aero the Acro-Bat 2 (U) [!].zip
Aero the Acro-Bat (U) [c][!].zip
Aerobiz (U) [!].zip
Aerobiz Supersonic (U) [!].zip
Afterburner II (U) [!]
Afterburner II (U) [!]
Air Busters (U) [c][!].zip
Air Diver (U) [!].zip
Aladdin (U) [!].zip
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (E) [!].zip
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (E) [a1].zip
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (U) [!].zip
Alien 3 (JUE) [!].zip
Alien Soldier (B) [t1].zip
Alien Soldier (B) [t2].zip
Alien Soldier (B) [t3].zip
Alien Storm (JUE) [!].zip
Alien Storm (JUE) [p1][!].zip
Alisia Dragoon (E) [!].zip
Alisia Dragoon (JU) [!].zip
Altered Beast (REV 01) (JU) [!].zip
Altered Beast (REV 02) (JU) [!].zip
American Gladiators (U) [!]
American Gladiators (U) [!]
Andre Agassi Tennis (REV 00) (JU) [!].zip
Andre Agassi Tennis (REV 01) (JE) [c][!].zip
Animaniacs (UJ) [!].zip
Another World (E) [!].zip
Aquatic Games, The (U) [!].zip
Arch Rivals (UE) [!].zip
Arcus Odyssey (U) [!].zip
Ariel - Disney's The Little Mermaid (U) [!].zip
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf (U) [!].zip
Arrow Flash (JUE) [!].zip
Art Alive! (U) [!].zip
Art of Fighting (E) [!].zip
Art of Fighting (U) [!].zip
Asterix and the Great Rescue (U) [!].zip
Asterix and the Power of The Gods (8) (Eng-Ger-Fr-Sp) [!].zip
Atomic Robo Kid (U) [c][!].zip
Atomic Runner (E) [!].zip
ATP Tour Championship Tennis (U) [!].zip
Australian Rugby League (E) [!].zip
Awesome Possum (UJE) [!].zip
AWS Pro Moves Soccer (U) [!].zip
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (JE) [!].zip
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (U) [!].zip


B.O.B (REV 01) (UEJ) [!].zip
Back to the Future 3 (JUE) [R-Eur][!].zip
Back to the Future 3 (JUE) [R-USA][!].zip
Ball Jacks (JE) [c][!].zip
Ballz (JUE) [!].zip
Barbie Super Model (U) [!].zip
Barkley Shut Up and Jam 2 (JUE) [!].zip
Barkley Shut Up and Jam (JUE) [!].zip
Barney's Hide and Seek (U) [!].zip
Bass Masters Classic Pro Edition (F) [!].zip
Bass Masters Classics (4) [!].zip
Batman - Revenge of the Joker (U) [!].zip
Batman (UE) [!].zip
Batman and Robin, The Adventures of (JU) [!].zip
Batman Forever (F) [!].zip
Batman Returns (U) [!]
Batman Returns (U) [!]
Battle Squadron (U) [!].zip
Battlemaster (JUE) [c][!]
Battlemaster (JUE) [c][!]
Battletech (U) [!]
Battletech (U) [!]
Battletoads (JUE) [!]
Battletoads (JUE) [!]
Battletoads and Double Dragon (U) [c][!].zip
Beast Wrestler (U) [!].zip
Beauty and the Beast - Belle's Quest (U) [!].zip
Beauty and the Beast - Roar of the Beast (U) [!].zip
Beavis and Butthead (U) [!].zip
Berenstain Bears', The Camping Adventure (U) [!].zip
Berzerk V1.00 by Paul Lee (PD).zip
Best of the Best - Championship Karate (U) [c][!].zip
Beyond Oasis (4) [!].zip
Bible Adventures (Unl) [c][!].zip
Bill Walsh College Football 95 (U) [!].zip
Bill Walsh College Football (UEJ) [c][!].zip
Bimini Run (JU) [!].zip
Bio-Hazard Battle (Sep 1992) (UE) [!].zip
Bioship Paladin (JU) [c][!].zip
Blades of Vengence (EJU) [!].zip
Blaster Master 2 (U) [a1][x].zip
Blaster Master 2 (U) [c][!].zip
Block Out (REV 01) (U) [!].zip
Blood Shot (UE) [!].zip
Body Count (E) [!].zip
Bonanza Brothers (REV 00) (JUE) [!]
Bonanza Brothers (REV 00) (JUE) [!]
Bonanza Brothers (REV 00) (UE) [!].zip
Bonkers (JUE) [!].zip
Boogerman (U) [!].zip
Boxing Legends of the Ring (U) [!].zip
Bram Stoker's Dracula (E) [!].zip
Bram Stoker's Dracula (JUE) [!].zip
Brett Hull Hockey 95 (JUE) [!].zip
Brian Lara Cricket 96 (Mar 1996) (E) [c][!].zip
Brian Lara Cricket (Jun 1995) (E) [c][!].zip
Brutal - Paws of Fury (U) [!].zip
Bubba N Stix (E) [c][!].zip
Bubba N Stix (U) [!].zip
Bubble and Squeek (U) [!].zip
Bubsy 2 (JUE) [!].zip
Bubsy (JUE) [!].zip
Buck Rodgers - Countdown to Doomsday (U) [!].zip
Budokan - The Martial Spirit (Unl) [c][!].zip
Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble (4) [!].zip
Bulls vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs (UEJ) [!].zip
Bulls vs Lakers (U) [!].zip
Burning Force (E).zip
Burning Force (U) [!].zip


Cadash (U) [c][!].zip
Caesars Palace (U) [!].zip
Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball (U) [c][!].zip
California Games (U) [!].zip
Cannon Fodder (E) [!].zip
Captain Planet and the Planeteers (Nov 1992) (U) [R-Eur][!].zip
Capt'n Havoc (E) [!].zip
Castlevania - Bloodlines (U) [!].zip
Castlevania - The New Generation (E) [!].zip
Censor C64 Picture Demo (PD).zip
Censor C64 Picture Demo (PD) [a1].zip
Censor Intro (PD) [a1].zip
Censor Movie Trailer Demo (PD) [a1].zip
Censor Smiley Face Demo (PD) [a1].zip
Centurion - Defender of Rome (U) [c][!].zip
/Chakan - The Forever Man (U) [!].zip
Champions World Class Soccer (JUE) [!].zip
Championship Bowling (U) [!].zip
Championship Pool (U) [!]
Championship Pool (U) [!]
Championship Pro Am (U) [c][!].zip
Chaos Engine, The (E) [!].zip
Chase HQ 2 (JUE) [!].zip
Chester Cheetah 2 - Wild Wild Quest (U) [!].zip
Chester Cheetah (U) [c][!].zip
Chi Chi's Pro Challenge (U) [!].zip
Chiki Chiki Boys (U) [!].zip
Chuck Rock 2 (E) [c][!].zip
Chuck Rock 2 (U) [!].zip
Chuck Rock (U) [c][!].zip
Chuck Rock (U) [t2].zip
Chuck's Excellent Art Tool Animator (JUE) [a1][c][!].zip
Chuck's Excellent Art Tool Animator (JUE) [c][!].zip
Clay Fighter (U) [!]
Clay Fighter (U) [!]
Cliffhanger (U) [c][!].zip
Clue (U) [!].zip
Coach K College Basketball (U) [!].zip
College Football USA 96 (4) [!].zip
College Football USA 97 (4) [!].zip
College Football's National Championship 2 (F) [!].zip
College Football's National Championship (U) [!].zip
College Slam (4) [!].zip
Columns 3 - Revenge of Columns (U) [!].zip
Columns (REV 01) (JU) [!].zip
Combat Cars (JUE) [!].zip
Comix Zone (4) [!].zip
Comix Zone (4) [p1][!].zip
Command & Conquer (beta).zip
Congo - The Game (beta).zip
Contra - Hard Corps (U) [!]
Contra - Hard Corps (U) [!]
Cool Spot (U) [!].zip
Corporation (E) [c][!].zip
Cosmic Spacehead (E) [c][!].zip
Crack Down (UE) [!].zip
Crue Ball (U) [!].zip
Crusader of Centy (U) [!]
Crusader of Centy (U) [!]
Crystal's Pony Tale (U) [!].zip
Cutey Suzuki's Ringside Angel (JU) [!].zip
Cutthroat Island (F) [!].zip
CyberBall (JU) [!].zip
Cyber-Cop (UJ) [c][!].zip
Cyborg Justice (U) [!].zip


D&D - Warriors of the Eternal Sun (U) [!].zip
Daffy Duck in Hollywood (JUE) [!].zip
Daffy Duck in Hollywood (JUE) [t1].zip
Dark Castle (U) [!].zip
Dashin' Desperadoes (U) [!].zip
David Crane's Amazing Tennis (U) [!].zip
David Robinson's Supreme Court (U) [!].zip
Davis Cup World Tour Tennis (Jul 1993) (UJE) [!].zip
Daze Before Christmas, The (E) [!].zip
Death and Return of Superman, The (U) [!].zip
Death Duel (EU) [!].zip
Decap Attack (UE) [!].zip
Decap Attack (UE) [p1][!].zip
Demolition Man (F) [!].zip
Desert Demolition (UJE) [!].zip
Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (U) [!].zip
Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (U) [p1][!].zip
Devilish (U) [c][!].zip
Dick Tracy (JUE) [c][!].zip
Dick Vitale's Awesome Baby! College Hoops (UJE) [!].zip
Dino Land (JU) [!].zip
Dinosaurs for Hire (U) [!].zip
Disney Collection - Castle of Illusion & Quackshot (F) [!].zip
DJ Boy (U) [!].zip
Donald Duck in Maui Mallard (A) [!].zip
Doom Troopers - The Mutant Chronicles (4) [c][!].zip
Double Clutch (JUE) [a1].zip
Double Clutch (JUE) [c][!].zip
Double Dragon 3 (U) [!].zip
Double Dragon 3 (U) [t2].zip
Double Dragon 5 (U) [!].zip
Double Dragon (U) [!].zip
Double Dribble - Playoff Edition (U) [!].zip
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (U) [!].zip
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (U) [!].zip
Dragon Slayer 2 - Legend of Heroes (B) [!].zip
Dragon's Fury (UE) [!].zip
Dragon's Revenge (JUE) [!].zip
Dune - The Building of a Dynasty (U) [!]
Dune - The Building of a Dynasty (U) [!]
Dynamite Duke (JU) [!].zip
Dynamite Duke (JU) [a1][!].zip
Dynamite Headdy (beta).zip
Dynamite Headdy (UE) [c][!].zip


EA Sports 2-in-1 Pack (E) [!].zip
Earnest Evans (U) [!].zip
Earthworm Jim 2 (4) [!].zip
Earthworm Jim (E) [!].zip
Earthworm Jim (U) [!].zip
ECCO - The Tides of Time (U) [!].zip
ECCO (U) [!].zip
ECCO Jr. (Feb 1995) (UJE) [!]
ECCO Jr. (Feb 1995) (UJE) [!]
ECCO Jr. (Mar 1995) (UJE) [!].zip
El Viento (U) [!].zip
Elemental Master (U) [!].zip
Escape From Mars Starring Taz (JUE) [R-Euro][!].zip
Escape From Mars Starring Taz (U) [!].zip
ESPN Baseball Tonight (U) [!].zip
ESPN National League Hockey Night (U) [c][!].zip
ESPN SpeedWorld (U) [c][!].zip
ESPN Sunday Night Football (U) [!].zip
ESWAT Cyber Police - City Under Siege (JUE) [R-USA][!].zip
Eternal Champions (E) [!].zip
Eternal Champions (U) [!].zip
European Club Soccer (E) [!].zip
Evander Holyfield's Real Deal Boxing (U) [!].zip
Exile (U) [!].zip
Ex-Mutants (U) [!].zip
Exodus (Unl) [c][!].zip
Exo-Squad (T-132026) (4) [!].zip


F1 World Championship (E) [!].zip
F1 World Championship (JUE) [!].zip
F1 World Championship Edition (E) [!].zip
F-15 Strike Eagle II (E) [!].zip
F-15 Strike Eagle II (U) [!].zip
F-22 Interceptor (beta 1) [c][!].zip
F-22 Interceptor (U) (Jun 1992) [c][!].zip
F-22 Interceptor (U) (Sep 1991) [a1][c][!].zip
F-22 Interceptor (U) (Sep 1991) [c][!].zip
F-117 Night Storm (UEJ) [!].zip
F-117 Stealth Operation Night Storm (UEJ).zip
Faery Tale Adventure, The (U) [!].zip
Family Feud (U) [!].zip
Fantastic Dizzy (E) [c][!].zip
Fatal Fury 2 (UE) [c][!].zip
Fatal Fury (U) [!]
Fatal Fury (U) [!]
Fatal Labyrinth (JU) [!].zip
Fatal Rewind (U) [!].zip
Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (U) [!].zip
FIFA International Soccer (EUJ) [!].zip
FIFA Soccer 95 (EUJ) [!].zip
FIFA Soccer 96 (F) [!].zip
FIFA Soccer 98 - Road to the World Cup (8) [!].zip
FIFA Soccer 99 (Russian) [p1][!].zip
Fighting Masters (U) [!].zip
Final Zone (JU) [!].zip
Fire Shark (U) [c][!].zip
Flashback - The Quest for Identity (E) [!].zip
Flashback - The Quest for Identity (U) [!].zip
Flashback - The Quest for Identity (U) [a1][p1][!]
Flashback - The Quest for Identity (U) [a1][p1][!]
Flicky (JUE) [!].zip
Flintstones, The (E) [c][!].zip
Flintstones, The (U) [c][!]
Flintstones, The (U) [c][!]
Flux Mega CD (E) [!].zip
Foreman For Real (F) [!].zip
Forgotten Worlds (REV 00) (JUE) [!].zip
Forgotten Worlds (REV 01) (JUE) [!].zip
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (F) [!].zip
Frogger (UJ) [!].zip
Frogger (UJ) [a1][!].zip
Fun-N-Games (U) [c][!].zip


Gadget Twins (U) [!].zip
Gadget Twins (U) [t2].zip
Gaiares (JU) [!]
Gaiares (JU) [!]
Gaiares (JU) [p1][t1][!].zip
Gain Ground (JU) [c][!].zip
Galaxy Force II (REV 01) (JU) [!].zip
Game Genie (JUE) [c][!].zip
Game Genie (newer) (JUE) [c][!].zip
Gamtec Magicard (Unl) [c][!].zip
Gargoyles (4) [!].zip
Gauntlet 4 (Aug 1993) (UE) [!].zip
Gauntlet 4 (Sep 1993) (UE).zip
GemFire (U) [!].zip
General Chaos (UEJ) [!].zip
Generations Lost (JUE) [!].zip
Genghis Khan 2 (U) [!].zip
George Foreman's Knock-out Boxing (E) [!].zip
George Foreman's Knock-out Boxing (U) [!].zip
Ghostbusters (REV 00) (JUE) [p1][!].zip
Ghostbusters (REV 01) (JUE) [!]
Ghostbusters (REV 01) (JUE) [!]
Ghouls 'N Ghosts (REV 01) (JUE) [!].zip
Ghouls 'N Ghosts (REV 02) (JUE) [!].zip
G-Loc Air Battle (JUE) [c][!].zip
Gods (JUE) [R-Eur][!].zip
Gods (U) [!].zip
Golden Axe 2 (JUE) [!]
Golden Axe 2 (JUE) [!]
Golden Axe (REV 00) (JU) [!]
Golden Axe (REV 00) (JU) [!]
Golden Axe (REV 01) (JU) [!].zip
Granada (REV 01) (JU) [!].zip
Grand Slam Tennis (E) [!].zip
Graphics & Joystick Sampler by Charles Doty (PD).zip
Great Waldo Search, The (U) [!]
Great Waldo Search, The (U) [!]
Greatest Heavyweights of the Ring (U) [!].zip
Greendog - The Beached Surfer Dude (U) [!].zip
GRIND Stormer (JUE) [!].zip
Growl (JUE) [!].zip
Gunship (E) [c][!].zip
Gunstar Heroes (E) [!].zip
Gunstar Heroes (U) [!]
Gunstar Heroes (U) [!]
Gunstar Heroes Sample (JUE) [!].zip
Gynoug (E) [!].zip


Hard Drivin' (JU) [!].zip
HardBall 94 (JUE) [!].zip
HardBall 95 (F) [!].zip
HardBall (U) [!].zip
Haunting, The (UEJ) [!]
Haunting, The (UEJ) [!]
Head-On Soccer (4) [!].zip
Heavy Nova (JU) [!].zip
Hellfire (U) [!].zip
Herzog Zwei (U) [!].zip
High Seas Havoc (U) [!].zip
High Seas Havoc (U) [t2].zip
Hit The Ice (U) [c][!].zip
Home Alone 2 - Lost In New York (U) [!].zip
Home Alone (beta).zip
Home Alone (U) [!].zip
Hook (U) [c][!].zip
How to Make a Jump'n'Run Game by Kaneda (V1.0) (PD).zip
How to Use Map by Kaneda (PD).zip
Humans. The (U) [!].zip
Hyper Dunk - The Playoff Edition (E) [!].zip


IMG International Tour Tennis (UEJ) [!].zip
Immortal, The (U) [!].zip
Incredible Crash Dummies, The (JUE) [c][!].zip
Incredible Hulk, The (JUE) [!].zip
Incredible Hulk, The (JUE) [p1][!].zip
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (JE) [c][!].zip
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (U) [c][!].zip
Insector X (Jul 1990) (U) [!].zip
Insector X (Jun 1990) (JU) [!].zip
International Rugby (JUE) [c][!].zip
Ishido - The Way of the Stones (U) [c][!].zip
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings (F) [!].zip


J. League Pro Striker (REV 03) (JE) [c][!].zip
Jack Nicklaus' Power Challenge Golf (JUE) [!].zip
James Buster Douglas Knock Out Boxing (U) [c][!].zip
James Pond 2 - Codename RoboCod (U) [!]
James Pond 2 - Codename RoboCod (U) [!]
James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish (UEJ) [!]
James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish (UEJ) [!]
James Pond (U) [!].zip
Jammit (U) [!].zip
Jennifer Capriati Tennis (U) [!].zip
Jeopardy (U) [c][!].zip
Jeopardy Deluxe (JUE) [c][!].zip
Jeopardy Sports Edition (U) [!].zip
Jerry Glanville's Pigskin Footbrawl (U) [!].zip
Jewel Master (U) [!].zip
Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker (E) [c][!].zip
Joe and Mac Caveman Ninja (U) [!].zip
Joe Montana Football (U) [!].zip
Joe Montana NFL 94 (U) [!].zip
Joe Montana NFL 95 (UJE) [!].zip
Joe Montana Sports Talk Football 2 (U) [!].zip
Joe Montana Sports Talk Football (U) [!].zip
John Madden Football 91 (U) [!].zip
John Madden Football 92 (U) [!].zip
John Madden Football 93 - Championship Edition (U) [!].zip
John Madden Football 93 (U) [c][!].zip
John Madden NFL 94 (UEJ) [c][!].zip
Jordan vs Bird - Super One-on-One (REV 00) (U) [!].zip
Jordan vs Bird - Super One-on-One (REV 01) (U) [!].zip
Joshua (Unl) [c][!].zip
Judge Dredd - The Movie (F) [!].zip
Jump'n'Run V1.1 by Kaneda (PD).zip
Jump'n'Run V2.0 by Kaneda (PD).zip
Jum's Genny PSG Jukebox (PD).zip
Junction (JU) [!].zip
Jungle Book, The (E) [!]
Jungle Book, The (E) [!]
Jungle Book, The (U) [!].zip
Jungle Book, The (U) [p1][!].zip
Jungle Strike (beta).zip
Jungle Strike (UEJ) [!].zip
Jungle Strike (UEJ) [p1][!].zip
Jurassic Park 2 - The Lost World (F) [!].zip
Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (UJE) [!]
Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (UJE) [!]
Jurassic Park (E) [!].zip
Jurassic Park (U) [!].zip
Justice League Task Force (F) [!].zip


Ka-Ge-Ki - Fists of Steel (U) [!].zip
Kawasaki Superbike Challenge (JUE) [!].zip
Kick Off 3 - European Challenge (E) [!].zip
Kid Chameleon (JUE) [!].zip
King of Fighters '98, The (Unl) [!].zip
King of the Monsters 2 (U) [!].zip
King of the Monsters (E) [!].zip
King of the Monsters (U) [!].zip
King Salmon (U) [c][!].zip
King's Bounty (U) [!].zip
Klax (U) [!].zip


Lakers vs Celtics (U) [!].zip
Landstalker - The Treasures of King Nole (beta).zip
Landstalker - The Treasures of King Nole (E) (English) [!].zip
Landstalker - The Treasures of King Nole (E) (German) [!].zip
Landstalker - The Treasures of King Nole (U) [!].zip
Last Action Hero (UE) [!].zip
Last Battle (U) [!].zip
Lawnmower Man, The (JUE) [!].zip
Legend of Galahad, The (U) [!].zip
Legend of Galahad, The (U) [t2].zip
Legend of Toki - Going Ape Spit, The (UE) [c][!].zip
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (E) [!].zip
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (U) [!].zip
Lemmings (E) [!].zip
Lemmings (REV 00) (JU) [!]
Lemmings (REV 00) (JU) [!]
Lemmings (REV 01) (JU) [!].zip
Lethal Enforcers 2 - Gun Fighters (E).zip
Lethal Enforcers 2 - Gun Fighters (UJ) [!].zip
Lethal Enforcers (E) [!].zip
Lethal Enforcers (U) [!].zip
LHX Attack Helicopter (U) [!].zip
Liberty or Death (U) [!].zip
Light Crusader (4) [!].zip
Light Crusader (B) [!].zip
Lightning Force (U) [c][!].zip
Lion King, The (Russian) [p1][!].zip
Lion King, The (UEJ) [!].zip
Lost Vikings, The (U) [!].zip
Lost Vikings, The (U) [T-Russian].zip
Lotus 2 RECS (EUJ) [!].zip
Lotus Turbo Challenge (EU) [!].zip


M.U.S.H.A (U) [!].zip
M1 Abrams Battle Tank (REV 01) (JUE) [!].zip
Madden NFL 95 (JUE) [!].zip
Madden NFL 96 (F) [!].zip
Madden NFL 97 (F) [!].zip
Madden NFL 98 (4) [c][!].zip
Magic Girl (Unl) [c][!].zip
Magic School Bus, The (5) [!].zip
Magical Christmas Greetings Demo (PD) [a1].zip
Majikaru Hashito no Butsutobi Turbo! Daibouken (JU) [!].zip
Marble Madness (U) [!]
Marble Madness (U) [!]
Mario Andretti Racing (UEJ) [!].zip
Mario Lemieux Hockey (U) [!].zip
Marko's Magic Football (U) [!].zip
Marsupilami (4) [!].zip
Marvel Land (U) [!].zip
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (U) [!].zip
Master of Monsters (U) [!].zip
Math Blaster (U) [!].zip
Mazin Saga (U) [!].zip
McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure (U) [!].zip
Mega Bomberman - 8 Player Demo (JUE) [a1].zip
Mega Bomberman (JUE) [!].zip
Mega Bomberman (JUE) [a1][!].zip
Mega Games 10 in 1 (F) [!].zip
Mega Lo Mania (REV 00) (E) [c][!].zip
Mega Lo Mania (REV 01) (E).zip
Mega Turrican (U) [!].zip
MegaCD Model 1 BIOS V1.00 (October 1992) (E) [!].zip
MegaCD Model 2 BIOS V2.00 (March 1993) (E) [!].zip
MegaGames 3in1 Vol 1 (S-HangOn WC Italia 90 Columns) (E) [!].zip
MegaGames 4in1 (Classic Collection) (F) [!].zip
MegaGames 6in1 US (G-Axe S-HangOn) (4) [!].zip
MegaGames 6in1 Vol 1 (S-HangOn WC-Italia) (F) [!].zip
Menacer 6-in-1 Game Pack (UJE) [!].zip
Mercs (JUE) [!].zip
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (REV 00) (JUE) [!]
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (REV 00) (JUE) [!]
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (REV 01) (JUE) [!]
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (REV 01) (JUE) [!]
Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (E) [!].zip
Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (U) [!].zip
Mickey Mania - Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (E) [!].zip
Mickey Mania - Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (U) [!]
Mickey Mania - Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (U) [!]
Mickey Mouse - Castle of Illusion (U) [!]
Mickey Mouse - Castle of Illusion (U) [!]
Mickey Mouse - Fantasia (REV 00) (U) [!]
Mickey Mouse - Fantasia (REV 00) (U) [!]
Mickey Mouse - Fantasia (REV 00) (U) [p1][!].zip
Mickey Mouse - Fantasia (REV 01) (U) [!].zip
Mickey Mouse - Great Circus Mystery (U) [!]
Mickey Mouse - Great Circus Mystery (U) [!]
Mickey Mouse - World of Illusion (E) [!].zip
Mickey Mouse - World of Illusion (U) [!].zip
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (U) [!]
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (U) [!]
Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (JUE) (J-Cart) [c][!].zip
Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (JUE) [c][!]
Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (JUE) [c][!]
Micro Machines 96 (V1.1) (E) (J-Cart) [c][!].zip
Micro Machines 96 (V1.1) (E) [a1].zip
Micro Machines 96 (V1.1) (E) [c].zip
Micro Machines (E) [a1][c][!].zip
Micro Machines (E) [c][!]
Micro Machines (E) [c][!]
Micro Machines Military - It's a Blast! (E) (J-Cart) [c][!].zip
Micro Machines Military - It's a Blast! (E) [c].zip
/Midnight Resistance (U) [!].zip
Mig-29 Fulcrum (U) [!].zip
Might and Magic 2 - Gates to Another World (REV 01) (U) [!].zip
Mighty Max (U) [!].zip
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (4) [!].zip
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (U) [!].zip
Mike Ditka Power Football (U) [!].zip
Mike Ditka Power Football (U) [a1][!].zip
Minnesota Fats Pool Legend (4) [!].zip
Miracle Piano Teaching System (U) [!].zip
Misadventures of Flink, The (E) [!].zip
/MLBPA Baseball (UEJ) [!].zip
MLBPA Sports Talk Baseball (U) [!].zip
Monopoly (U) [c][!].zipMortal Combat 5 (Unl) [c][!].zip
Mortal Kombat 2 (JUE) [!].zip
Mortal Kombat 3 (4) [!].zip
Mortal Kombat (REV 00) (JUE) [!].zip
Mortal Kombat (REV 01) (JUE) (prototype) [c][!].zip
Mr. Nutz (E) [!].zip
Ms. Pacman (U) [!].zip
Muhammed Ali Heavyweight Boxing (U) [c][!].zip
Mulan (Unl) [c][!].zip
Multitap - IO Sample Program of Nov 28 1992 (JUE) [c][!].zip
Mutant League Football (JU) [R-Jap][!].zip
Mutant League Football (UEJ) [!].zip
Mutant League Hockey (UEJ) [!].zip
Mystical Fighter (U) [c][!].zip


NBA Action 95 (UEJ) [!].zip
NBA Action (U) [!].zip
NBA AllStar Challenge (U) [!].zip
NBA Hang Time (4) [!].zip
NBA Hang Time (8) [!].zip
NBA Jam (EU) [!].zip
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (REV 00) (JUE) [!].zip
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (REV 01) (JUE) [!].zip
NBA Live 95 (UEJ) [!].zip
NBA Live 96 (F) [!].zip
NBA Live 97 (F) [!].zip
NBA Live 98 (F) [!].zip
NBA Showdown 94 (UE) [!].zip
NCAA College Football (U) [!].zip
NCAA Final Four College Basketball (U) [!].zip
Newman-Haas Indy Car Racing (JUE) [!].zip
NFL 98 (F) [!].zip
NFL Prime Time (F) [!].zip
NFL Quarterback Club 96 (F) [!].zip
NFL Quarterback Club (JUE) [!].zip
NHL 95 (EUJ) [!]
NHL 95 (EUJ) [!]
NHL 95 Elitserien (E) [c][!].zip
NHL 96 (F) [!].zip
NHL 97 (F) [!].zip
NHL 98 (4) [c][!].zip
/NHL All-Star Hockey 95 (U) [!].zip
NHL Hockey 92 (U) [!].zip
NHL Hockey 94 (UE) [!].zip
NHLPA NHL '93 (REV 01) (U) [!].zip
Nigel Mansell's World Championship (U) [!].zip
No Escape (U) [!].zip
Nobunaga's Ambition (U) [!].zip
Normy's Beach Babe-O-Rama (UEJ) [!].zip


Olympic Gold - Barcelona 92 (E) [c][!].zip
Olympic Gold - Barcelona 92 (U) [a1][c][!].zip
Olympic Gold - Barcelona 92 (U) [c][!].zip
Olympic Summer Games Atlanta 96 (F) [!].zip
Olympic Winter Games - Lillehammer 94 (JE) [c][!].zip
Onslaught (Unl) [c][!].zip
Ooga Booga! from y2kode (2nd Version) by Kaneda (PD).zip
Operation Europe - Path to Victory 1939-1945 (U) [!].zip
Ottifants, The (E) [!].zip
Out of this World (U) [!].zip
Outlander (E) [!].zip
OutRun 2019 (E) [!].zip
OutRun 2019 (Feb 1993) (U) [!].zip
OutRun 2019 (Nov 1992) (U).zip
OutRun (JU) (KPH-MPH toggles) [!].zip
OutRun (JU) [a1][!].zip
OutRunners (U) [!].zip


Pac-Attack (U) [!].zip
Pacific Theater of Operations (U) [!].zip
Pac-Man 2 - The New Adventures (U) [!].zip
Pac-Mania (U) [!]
Pac-Mania (U) [!]
Pagemaster, The (E).zip
Pagemaster, The (U) [!].zip
Paperboy 2 (JUE) [!].zip
Paperboy (JUE) [!].zip
Pat Riley Basketball (U) [!].zip
Pebble Beach Golf Links (U) [!].zip
Pele! (JUE) [!].zip
Pele's World Tournament Soccer (JUE) [!].zip
Pengo (F) [!].zip
Pete Sampras Tennis 96 (E) [c][!].zip
Pete Sampras Tennis (E) (J-Cart) [c][!].zip
PGA European Tour (UEJ) [!].zip
PGA Tour 96 (F) [!].zip
PGA Tour Golf 2 (REV 00) (UEJ) [c][!].zip
PGA Tour Golf 2 (REV 01) (UEJ) [!].zip
PGA Tour Golf 3 (UEJ) [!].zip
PGA Tour Golf (REV 01) (U) [!].zip
PGA Tour Golf (REV 02) (U) [!].zip
hantasy Star 2 (REV 01) (UE).zip
Phantasy Star 2 (REV 02) (UE) [!].zip
Phantasy Star 3 - Generations of Doom (UE) [!].zip
Phantasy Star 4 - The End of The Millenium (4) [!].zip
Phantom 2040 (4) [!].zip
Phelios (U) [c][!].zip
Pink Goes to Hollywood (U) [!].zip
Pinocchio (4) [!].zip
Pirates Gold (U) [!].zip
Pirates of Dark Water, The (Jan 1994) (U) [!].zip
Pit Fighter (Oct 1991) (UJE) [!].zip
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (E) [!].zip
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (U) [!].zip
Pocahontas (4) [!].zip
Pocket Monsters 2 (Unl) [c][!].zip
Pocket Monsters (Unl) [c][!].zip
Populous 2 - Two Tribes (E) [!].zip
Populous (E) [!].zip
opulous (U) [!].zip
Power Drive (EJU) [!].zip
Power Monger (UEJ) [R-USA][!].zip
Powerball (U) [c][!].zip
Predator 2 (JUE) [!].zip
Premier Manager 97 (8) [!].zip
Premier Manager (E) [!].zip
Primal Rage (F) [!].zip
Prince of Persia (U) [!].zip
Pro Action Replay 2 V2.1 (JUE) [c][!].zip
Pro Action Replay (JUE) [c][!].zip
Pro Quarterback (U) [c][!].zip
Psycho Pinball (Oct 1994) (JUE) [c][!].zip
Puggsy (U) [!].zip
Punisher, The (U) [!].zip


Quack Shot Starring Donald Duck (REV 00) (JUE) [!].zip
Quack Shot Starring Donald Duck (REV 00) (JUE) [p1][!].zip
Quack Shot Starring Donald Duck (REV 01) (JUE) [!].zip
Quad Challenge (U) [c][!].zip


Race Drivin' (UJE) [!].zip
Radical Rex (U) [!].zip
Raiden Trad (JU) [!].zip
Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 (JU) [c][!].zip
ambo III (REV 01) (JUE) [!].zip
Rampart (UE) [!].zip
Ranger-X (E) [!].zip
Ranger-X (U) [!].zip
Rastan Saga 2 (U) [!].zip
RBI Baseball 3 (UJE) [c][!].zip
RBI Baseball 4 (Jun 1992) (UE) [!].zip
RBI Baseball 93 (UEJ) [!].zip
RBI Baseball 94 (UEJ) [!].zip
Red Zone (JUE) [!].zip
Ren and Stimpy's Invention (U) [!].zip
Revenge of Shinobi, The (REV 00) (JUE) [R-USA-Jap][!].zip
Revenge of Shinobi, The (REV 01) (JUE) [R-USA][!].zip
Revenge of Shinobi, The (REV 02) (JUE) [R-Eur][!].zip
Revolution X (F) [!].zip
Richard Scarry's Busytown (UJ) [!].zip
Rings of Power (U) [!].zip
Rise of the Robots (JUE) [!].zip
Risk (U) [!].zip
Risky Woods (UE) [!].zip
Ristar - The Shooting Star (UE) [!].zip
Road Blasters (Jul 1991) (UJE) [!].zip
Road Rash 2 (UEJ) [!]
Road Rash 2 (UEJ) [!]
Road Rash 3 (UEJ) [!].zip
Road Rash (U) [c][!].zip
Robocop 3 (UE) [!].zip
Robocop vs The Terminator (REV 670) (U) [!].zip
Rock n' Roll Racing (E) [!].zip
Rock n' Roll Racing (U) [!].zip
Rocket Knight Adventures (U) [!].zip
Rockman X3 (Unl) [c][!].zip
Rocky and Bullwinkle, The Adventures of (U) [!].zip
Roger Clements MVP Baseball (U) [!].zip
Rolling Thunder 2 (E) [c][!].zip
Rolling Thunder 2 (U) [c][!].zip
Rolling Thunder 3 (U) [c][!].zip
Rolo to the Rescue (UEJ) [R-USA][!].zip
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (U) [!].zip
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III (U) [!].zip
Rugby World Cup 95 (UJE) [!].zip
Runark (JUE) [p1][!].zip


Sagaia (U) [c][!].zip
Saint Sword (U) [c][!].zip
Samurai Shodown (E) [c][!].zip
Samurai Shodown (U) [!].zip
Scooby Doo Mystery (JUE).zip
SeaQuest DSV (F) [!].zip
Sega Arcade Classics (F) [!].zip
Sega HMD and Tracker Demo - OA7-TST (JUE) [c][!].zip
Sega Music Joystick Demo (U) [c][!].zip
Sega Sports 1 (Wimbledon, Ult. Soccer, Super Monaco) (E) [!].zip
SegaCD 68k BIOS (Decompressed) (U).zip
SegaCD BIOS V2.00 (U).zip
SegaCD Model 2 BIOS V2.00 (March 1993) (U) [!].zip
Sensible Soccer - International Edition (E) [!].zip
Sensible Soccer (E) [!].zip
Sesame Street Counting Cafe (UEJ) [!].zip
Shadow Blasters (U) [c][!].zip
Shadow Dancer (JUE) [c][!].zip
Shadow Dancer (JUE) [p1][!].zip
Shadow of the Beast 2 (U) [!].zip
Shadow of the Beast (U) [!].zip
Shadow Run (U) [!].zip
Shane Warne Cricket (E) [c][!].zip
Shanghai 2 - Dragon's Eye (U) [!].zip
Shaq Fu (UEJ) [!].zip
Shining Force 2 (E) [!].zip
Shining Force 2 (U) [!]
Shining Force 2 (U) [!]
Shining Force (U) [!].zip
Shining in the Darkness (U) [!].zip
Shinobi 3 - Return of the Ninja Master (E) [c][!].zip
Shinobi 3 - Return of the Ninja Master (U) [!].zip
Shove It - The Warehouse Game (U) [!].zip
Side Pocket (JU) [!].zip
Simpsons, The - Bart vs The Space Mutants (REV 00) (JUE) [!].zip
Simpsons, The - Bart vs The Space Mutants (REV 01) (JUE) [!].zip
Simpsons, The - Bart's Nightmare (JUE) [!].zip
Simpsons, The - Krusty's Super Funhouse (REV 00) (JU) [!].zip
Simpsons, The - Krusty's Super Funhouse (REV 01) (JUE) [R-Eur][!].zip
Simpsons, The - The Itchy and Scratchy Game (JEU).zip
Simpsons, The - Virtual Bart (JUE) [!].zip
Skeleton Krew (4) [!].zip
Skitchin (UEJ) [!].zip
Slaughter Sport (UE) [c][!].zip
Smash TV (JUE) [!].zip
Smurfs 2, The (E) [!].zip
Smurfs, The (E) [!].zip
Snake Rattle 'n' Roll (E) [c][!].zip
Snow Brothers (JUE) [c][!].zip
Socket (JUE) [!].zip
Sol-Deace (U) [!].zip
Soldiers of Fortune (U) [c][!].zip
Soleil (E) (German) [!].zip
Sonic 1 - Metal Sonic Hack (JUE).zip
Sonic 1 - Mighty Hack (JUE).zip
Sonic 1 - Pirate - Select Stage (JUE).zip
Sonic 3D Blast (F) [!].zip
Sonic and Knuckles (JUE) [!].zip
Sonic Compilation (REV 00) (A) [!].zip
Sonic Compilation (REV 01) (F) [!].zip
Sonic Spinball (E) [!].zip
Sonic Spinball (U) (alt music) [!]
Sonic Spinball (U) (alt music) [!]
Sonic Spinball (U) [!].zip
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (JUE) [!].zip
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (U) [!].zip
Sonic the Hedgehog (JUE) [!]
Sonic the Hedgehog (JUE) [!]
Sonic the Hedgehog (JUE) [p1][!].zip
Sonic the Hedgehog (JUE) [p2][!].zip
Sorcerer's Kingdom (1993) (U) [!].zip
Space Invaders 91 (U) [c][!].zip
Sparkster (E) [!].zip
Sparkster (UJ) [!].zip
Speed Ball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (E) [!].zip
Speed Ball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (JU) [c][!].zip
Spider-Man - The Animated Series (JUE) [!]
Spider-Man - The Animated Series (JUE) [!]
Spider-Man and Venom - Maximum Carnage (JUE) [!].zip
Spider-Man and Venom in Separation Anxiety (F) [!].zip
Spider-Man and X-Men - Arcade's Revenge (U) [!].zip
Spider-Man vs Kingpin (U) [!].zip
Spiritual Warfare (Unl) [c][!].zip
Spirou (E) [!].zip
Splatter House 2 (U) [c][!].zip
Splatter House 2 (U) [t2].zip
Splatter House 3 (U) [c][!].zip
Spot Goes to Hollywood (E) [x].zip
Spot Goes to Hollywood (REV 01) (4) [!].zip
SS Lucifer - Man Overboard! (JUE) [c][!].zip
Star Trek - Deep Space 9 - Crossroads of Time (U) [!].zip
Star Trek - The Next Generation (REV 00) (U) [!].zip
Star Trek - The Next Generation (REV 01) (U) [!].zip
Star Wars Arcade 32X (E) [!].zip
Starflight (REV 01) (U) [!].zip
Stargate (JUE) [!].zip
Steel Empire, The (UE) [!].zipSteel Talons (Jul 1992) (UJE) [!].zip
Steel Talons (Jun 1993) (JUE) [!].zip
Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition (E) [!].zip
Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition (U) [!].zip
Street Racer (F) [c][!].zip
Street Smart (JU) [!].zip
Streets of Rage 2 (JE) [!].zip
Streets of Rage 2 (U) [!].zip
Streets of Rage 3 (U) [!]
Streets of Rage 3 (U) [!]
Streets of Rage (JUE) [!].zip
Streets of Rage (JUE) [p2][!].zip
Strider (UE) [!].zip
Strider Returns (JUE) [c][!].zip
Striker (8) [!].zip
Sub-Terrania (E) [!].zip
Sub-Terrania (U) [!].zip
Summer Challenge (JUE) [!].zip
Sunset Riders (E) [!].zip
Sunset Riders (U) [!].zip
Super 1998 Sonic 6 (Unl) [c][!].zip
Super Baseball 2020 (UEJ) [R-USA][!].zip
Super Battle Tank - War in the Gulf (U) [!].zip
Super Battleship (U) [!].zip
Super Bubble Bobble (Unl) [c][!].zip
Super Fantasy Zone (E) [!].zip
Super Hang-On (REV 00) (JUE) [p1][!].zip
Super Hang-On (REV 01) (JUE) [!].zip
Super High Impact (EU) [!].zip
Super Hydlide (E) [!].zip
Super Hydlide (U) [!]
Super Hydlide (U) [!]
Super Kick Off (JUE) [c][!].zip
Super King Kong 99 (Unl) [c][!].zip
Super Mario World (Unl) [c][!].zip
Super Monaco Grand Prix (REV 01) (JUE) [!].zip
Super Monaco Grand Prix (REV 02) (JUE) [!].zip
Super Monaco Grand Prix (REV 03) (U) [!].zip
Super Offroad (U) [!].zip
Super Real Basketball (E) [!].zip
Super Real Basketball (JU) [c][!].zip
Super Street Fighter 2 - The New Challengers (U) [c][!].zip
Super Thunder Blade (U) [!].zip
Super Volleyball (U) [c][!].zip
Superman (U) [!].zip
Sword of Sodan (U) [!].zip
Sword of Vermilion (U) [!]
Sword of Vermilion (U) [!]
Sylvester and Tweety in Cagey Capers (UEJ) [!].zip
Syndicate (JUE) [!].zip


Tale Spin (U) [!].zip
Target Earth (U) [!].zip
Task Force Harrier EX (U) [!].zip
TAZ Mania (U) [!].zip
Team USA Basketball (U) [c][!].zip
Team USA Basketball (U) [R-Jap][!].zip
Techno Clash (UEJ) [!].zip
Technocop (U) [!].zip
Tecmo Super Baseball (U) [!].zip
Tecmo Super Bowl 2 (F) [!].zip
Tecmo Super Bowl 2 SE (F) [R-Jap][!].zip
Tecmo Super Bowl 3 Final Edition (F) [!].zip
Tecmo Super Bowl (Oct 1993) (U) [!].zip
Tecmo Super Bowl (Sep 1993) (U) [!].zip
ecmo Super Hockey (U) [!].zip
Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (U) [!].zip
Tecmo World Cup 92 (JU) [!].zip
Tecmo World Cup 93 (JU) [!].zip
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Tournament Fighters (E).zip
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Hyperstone Heist (U) [!].zip
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters (U) [c][!].zip
Terminator 2 - Judgement Day (JUE) [!].zip
Terminator 2 - The Arcade Game (JUE) [!].zip
Terminator, The (U).zip
Test Drive 2 - The Duel (U) [!].zip
Tetris (JU) [p3].zip
Theme Park (F) [!].zip
Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends (U) [c][!].zip
Thunder Force 2 (E).zip
Thunder Force 2 (U) [!].zip
Thunder Force 3 (JU) [!].zip
Thunder Force 4 (E) [c][!].zip
Thunder Fox (U) [c][!].zip
Tick, The (U) [!].zip
Time Killers (E) [!].zip
Time Killers (U) [!].zip
Tinhead (U) [!].zip
Tintin Au Tibet (E) [!].zip
Tiny Toon Adventures - Acme All Stars (UJ) [!].zip
Tiny Toons - Buster's Hidden Treasure (E) [!].zip
Tiny Toons - Buster's Hidden Treasure (U) [!].zip
TNN Bass Tournament of Champions (U) [!].zip
TNN Outdoors Bass Tournament 96 (4) [!].zip
Toejam & Earl (REV 00) (U) [!].zip
Toejam & Earl in Panic on Funcotron (E) [!].zip
Toejam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (E) (German) [!].zip
Toejam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (U) [!].zip
Tom and Jerry - Frantic Antics (1993) (U) [!].zip
Tom and Jerry - Frantic Antics (1994) (U) [!].zip
Tommy Lasorda Baseball (JU) [!].zip
Tony La Russa 95 (UEJ) [!].zip
Tony La Russa Baseball (U) [!].zip
Top Gear 2 (U) [!].zip
Total Football (8) [!].zip
Toughman Contest (UEJ) [!].zip
Toxic Crusaders (U) [!].zip
Toy Story (4) [!].zip
Toy Story (8) [!].zip
Trampoline Terror! (U) [!].zip
Traysia (U) [!].zip
Triple Play 96 (F) [c][!].zip
Triple Play Gold (4) [c][!].zip
Troy Aikman NFL Football (U) [!].zip
True Lies (F) [!].zip
Truxton (JU) [!].zip
Turbo Outrun (JUE) [c][!].zip
Turrican (U) [c][!].zip
Twin Cobra (U) [!].zip
Tyrants - Fight Through Time (U) [!].zip


Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (4) [!]
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (4) [!]
Ultimate Qix (JUE) [!].zip
Ultimate Soccer (E) [!].zip
Uncharted Waters 2 - New Horizons (U) [!].zip
Uncharted Waters (U) [!].zip
Universal Driver Demo V4.0 (JUE) [c][!].zip
Universal Solder (U) [!].zip
Unnecessary Roughness 95 (JUE) [!].zip
Urban Strike (UEJ) [!].zip


V Five (JUE) [!].zip
Valis 3 (U) [!].zip
Valis - The Fantasm Soldier (U) [!].zip
Valis Syd (U) [!].zip
Vapor Trail (U) [!].zip
Vectorman 2 (F) (prototype) [!].zip
Vectorman 2 (F) [!].zipVectorman 2 (F) [a1][!].zip
Vectorman (F) (prototype) [!].zip
Vectorman (F) [!].zipViewpoint (U) [!].zip
Virtua Fighter 2 (F) [!].zip
Virtua Racing (E).zip
Virtual Pinball (UEJ) [!].zip


Wacky Races (beta).zip
Wacky Races (beta) [p1].zip
Wacky Worlds (UEJ) [!].zip
Wardner (U) [!].zip
Warlock (JUE) [!].zip
Warpspeed (JUE) [!].zip
Warrior of Rome 2 (A) [a1].zip
Warrior of Rome 2 (A) [c][!].zip
Warrior of Rome (U) [!].zip
Warsong (U) [!].zip
Wayne's World (U) [c][!].zip
Weaponlord (4) [!].zip
We're Back! - A Dinosaur's Tale (U) [!].zip
Whac-A-Critter (Unl) [!].zip
Wheel of Fortune (U) [!].zip
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (U) [T-Port-Span][a1].zip
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego (U) [!].zip
Whip Rush 2222 AD (U) [!].zip
Wild Snake (U) (prototype) [!].zip
Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits (4) [!].zip
Wimbledon Championship Tennis (E) [!].zip
Wimbledon Championship Tennis (U) (prototype) [!].zip
Wimbledon Championship Tennis (U) [!].zip
Wings of Wor (U) [!].zip
Winter Challenge (U) [!].zip
Wiz 'n' Liz (JUE) [!].zip
Wolf Child (U) [c][!].zip
Wolverine Adamantium Rage (JUE) [!].zip
Wonderboy 3 - Monster Lair (JUE) [c][!].zip
Wonderboy 5 (MonsterWorld 3) (UE) [!].zip
World Championship Soccer 2 (U) [!].zip
World Championship Soccer (REV 03) (JU) [!].zip
World Class Leaderboard Golf (U) [c][!].zip
World Cup Italia 90 (E) [!].zip
World Cup Soccer (JU) [!].zip
World Cup USA 94 (UE) [!].zip
World Heroes (U) [!].zip
World Series Baseball 95 (U) [!].zip
World Series Baseball 96 (F) [!].zip
World Series Baseball 98 (F) [!].zip
World Series Baseball 98 (F) [a1].zip
World Series Baseball (U) [!].zip
World Trophy Soccer (U) [!].zip
Worms (8) [!].zip
Worms (UEJ) (prototype) [c][!].zip
WWF RAW (JUE) [!].zip
WWF Royal Rumble (JUE) [!].zip
WWF Super Wrestlemania (JUE) [!].zip
WWF Wrestlemania Arcade (Aug 1995) (F) [!].zip


Xenon 2 Megablast (E) [c][!].zip
X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (JEU) [!].zip
X-Men (U) [!].zip


YM 2612 Editor by K. Banks (PD).zip
Yogi Bear's Cartoon Capers (E) [!].zip
Young Indiana Jones - Instrument of Chaos (U) [!].zip
Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (U).zip
Ys 3 - Wanderer from Ys (U) [!].zip


Zany Golf (REV 00) (U) [c][!].zip
Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (U) [!].zip
Zero Tolerance (JUE) [!].zip
Zero Wing (E) [!].zip
Zombies (E) [!].zip
Zombies Ate My Neighbors (U) [c][!].zip
Zool (U) [!].zip
Zoom (JU) [!].zip
Zoop (4) [!].zip
Zoop (8) [!].zip

banyak bukan pokoknya silahkan main sampe mabuuk ; kalau di ekstrak semua bisa satu giga lebih,, tapi saya sendiri gak tahu dan gak mau tahu.....
lnk downloadnya ada empat berikut ini :


Klik disini untuk melanjutkan »»

Apr 20, 2009

Game Portable Scrabble v

. Apr 20, 2009

Scrabbel adalah permaianan kata-kata , tapi karena game ini keluaran ionggris jadi nanti kata-kata yang dimainkan tentu bahas inggris jangan mengharap kata bahasa jawa to bahasa ngapak. jadi saran saya bagi anda yang bahasa inggrisnya di rapor nilainya 5 mendinga gak usah download kecuali kalau mau niat untuk belajar gak apa-apa sapa tahu tambah ketahuan goblok,
kapasitasnya sedikit kok cuma 11Mb jadi cepet didownload :

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game balapan Crash Team Racing Portable


Crash Team Racing adalah balapan tentang para monster yang balapan dan saling tabrak. game in setingkat dengan game PS 1. balapan monster in bukan sembarang racing ada rintangan dan tantangannya. selain itu medannya juga sepertinya ada di neraka. untuk menu tombol nya s, Z untuk kecepatan Esc untuk berhenti main, kanan kiri tetep seperti biasa, gamenya berbahasa inggris. link downloadnya :

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Super Nintendo Emulator plusCD games


Super Nintendo Emulator CD yang autorun , gme yang dusertakan :
2020 Super Baseball (U).zip3 Ninjas Kick Back (U).zip7th Saga, The (U) .zip90 Minutes - European Prime Goal (E) .zipA.S.P. Air Strike Patrol (U).zipABC Monday Night Football (U).zipACME Animation Factory (U).zipAD&D - Eye of the Beholder (U).zipActRaiser (U) .zipActRaiser 2 (U) .zipAddams Family Values (U).zipAddams Family, The (U).zipAddams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt (U).zipAdventures of Batman & Robin, The (U).zipAdventures of Dr. Franken, The (U).zipAdventures of Kid Kleets, The (U) .zipAdventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, The (U).zipAdventures of Tintin, The - Prisoners of the Sun (E).zipAero Fighters (U).zipAero the Acro-Bat (U) .zipAero the Acro-Bat 2 (U).zipAerobiz (U).zipAerobiz Supersonic (U).zipAguri Suzuki F-1 Super Driving (E).zipAir Cavalry (U).zipAl Unser Jr's Road to the Top (U).zipAladdin (U) .zipAlien 3 (U).zipAlien vs. Predator (U).zipAll-American Championship Football (E) .zipAmerican Gladiators (U).zipAn American Tail - Fievel Goes West (U).zipAndre Agassi Tennis (U).zipAnimaniacs (U) .zipAnother World (E) .zipArcade's Greatest Hits (U).zipArcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 1 (U).zipArcana (U).zipArcher MacLean's Dropzone (E) .zipArdy Lightfoot (U).zipArkanoid - Doh It Again (U) .zipArt of Fighting (U).zipAsterix & Obelix (E).zipAsterix (E) .zipAxelay (U).zipB.O.B. (U) .zipBallz 3D (U) .zipBarbie Super Model (U).zipBarbie Vacation Adventure (U).zipBarkley Shut Up and Jam! (U).zipBass Masters Classic (U).zipBass Masters Classic - Pro Edition (U).zipBassins' Black Bass (U).zipBatman - Revenge of the Joker (U).zipBatman Forever (U).zipBatman Returns (U) .zipBattle Blaze (U) .zipBattle Cars (U).zipBattle Clash (U) .zipBattle Grand Prix (U).zipBattletoads & Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team (U) .zipBattletoads in Battlemaniacs (U) .zipBazooka Blitzkrieg (U).zipBeauty and the Beast (U).zipBeavis and Butt-Head (U).zipBebe's Kids (U).zipBeethoven's 2nd (U).zipBest of the Best - Championship Karate (U).zipBig Sky Trooper (U).zipBiker Mice From Mars (U) .zipBill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball (U) .zipBill Walsh College Football (U) .zipBio Metal (U) .zipBlackhawk (E) .zipBlackthorne (U).zipBlazeon (U).zipBlazing Skies (E).zipBlues Brothers, The (U) .zipBobby's World (U).zipBonkers (U).zipBoogerman - A Pick and Flick Adventure (U).zipBoxing Legends of the Ring (U).zipBrain Lord (U).zipBrainies, The (U).zipBram Stoker's Dracula (U).zipBrandish (U) .zipBrawl Brothers (U) .zipBreakThru! (U).zipBreath of Fire (U) .zipBreath of Fire II (U) .zipBrett Hull Hockey '95 (U).zipBrett Hull Hockey (U).zipBronkie Health Hero (U).zipBrunswick World Tournament of Champions (U).zipBrutal - Paws of Fury (U).zipBubsy II (U).zipBubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (U) .zipBugs Bunny - Rabbit Rampage (U) .zipBulls Vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs (U) (V1.0).zipBust-A-Move (U).zipCacoma Knight in Bizyland (U).zipCal Ripken Jr. Baseball (U) .zipCalifornia Games II (U).zipCannon Fodder (E).zipCannondale Cup (U).zipCapcom's MVP Football (U).zipCapcom's Soccer Shootout (U).zipCaptain America and The Avengers (U).zipCaptain Commando (U).zipCaptain Novolin (U).zipCarrier Aces (U).zipCasper (U).zipCastlevania - Dracula X (U).zipCastlevania - Vampire's Kiss (E).zipChampions World Class Soccer (U).zipChampionship Pool (U).zipChampionship Soccer '94 (U).zipChaos Engine, The (E).zipChavez (U).zipChavez II (U).zipChessmaster, The (U).zipChester Cheetah - Too Cool to Fool (U) .zipChester Cheetah - Wild Wild Quest (U) (59734).zipChoplifter III (E).zipChrono Trigger (U) .zipChuck Rock (U).zipCivilization (U) .zipClay Fighter (U).zipClay Fighter - Tournament Edition (U).zipClay Fighter 2 - Judgment Clay (U).zipClaymates (U).zipCliffhanger (U).zipClue (U) .zipCollege Football USA '97 - The Road to New Orleans (U) .zipCollege Slam Basketball (U) .zipCombatribes, The (U).zipCongo's Caper (U).zipContra III - The Alien Wars (U) .zipCool Spot (U) .zipCool World (U) .zipCorn Buster (E).zipCutthroat Island (U).zipCyber Spin (U) .zipCybernator (U).zipD-Force (U).zipDaffy Duck - The Marvin Missions (U).zipDarius Twin (U) .zipDavid Crane's Amazing Tennis (U) .zipDaze Before Christmas (E).zipDeath and Return of Superman, The (U).zipDemolition Man (U).zipDemon's Crest (U) .zipDennis the Menace (U).zipDesert Fighter (E) (Tue Dec 07 '93).zipDesert Strike - Return to the Gulf (U).zipDig & Spike Volleyball (U).zipDino City (U).zipDino Dini's Soccer (E).zipDirt Racer (E).zipDirt Trax FX (U) .zipDonald in Maui Mallard (E) .zipDonkey Kong Country (U) (V1.0) .zipDonkey Kong Country - Competition Cartridge (U).zipDonkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest (U) (V1.0).zipDonkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) .zipDoom (U) .zipDoomsday Warrior (U).zipDouble Dragon V - The Shadow Falls (U).zipDragon - The Bruce Lee Story (U).zipDragon View (U) .zipDragon's Lair (U).zipDrakkhen (U) .zipDream TV (U).zipDungeon Master (U).zipE.V.O. Search for Eden (U).zipESPN Baseball Tonight (E).zipESPN National Hockey Night (U).zipESPN Speedworld (U).zipESPN Sunday Night NFL (U).zipEarthbound (U).zipEarthworm Jim (U).zipEarthworm Jim - Gamesmaster Special Ed. (U) (NG-Dump Known).zipEarthworm Jim 2 (U) .zipEek! The Cat (U).zipElite Soccer (U).zipEmmitt Smith Football (U).zipEquinox (U).zipEric Cantona Football Challenge (E).zipEuro Football Champ (E).zipExhaust Heat (E) .zipExtra Innings (U).zipF-ZERO (U) .zipF1 Pole Position (U).zipF1 Pole Position 2 (E).zipF1 ROC - Race of Champions (U).zipF1 ROC II - Race of Champions (U).zipF1 World Championship Edition (E).zipFIFA 97 - Gold Edition (U) .zipFIFA 98 - Road to World Cup (UE) .zipFIFA International Soccer (U) .zipFIFA Soccer 96 (U) .zipFaceball 2000 (U) .zipFamily Dog (U).zipFamily Feud (U).zipFatal Fury (U).zipFatal Fury 2 (U).zipFatal Fury Special (U).zipFever Pitch Soccer (E) .zipFighter's History (U).zipFinal Fantasy - Mystic Quest (U) (V1.1).zipFinal Fantasy II (U) (V1.1).zipFinal Fantasy III (U) (V1.1) .zipFinal Fight (U).zipFinal Fight 2 (U).zipFinal Fight 3 (U).zipFinal Fight Guy (U).zipFire Striker (U).zipFiremen, The (E).zipFirepower 2000 (U).zipFirst Samurai (U).zipFlashback - The Quest for Identity (U) .zipFlintstones, The (U).zipFlintstones, The - The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (U).zipFootball Fury (U).zipForeman For Real (U) .zipFrank Thomas' Big Hurt Baseball (U) .zipFrantic Flea (U) .zipFrogger (U).zipFull Throttle Racing (U).zipFun 'N Games (U).zipGP-1 (U).zipGP-1 Part II (U).zipGemfire (U).zipGenghis Khan II - Clan of the Gray Wolf (U).zipGeorge Foreman's KO Boxing (U) (V1.1).zipGhoul Patrol (U).zipGods (U).zipGoof Troop (U) .zipGradius III (U) .zipGreat Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie, The (U).zipGreat Waldo Search, The (U).zipGunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (U).zipHAL's Hole in One Golf (U) .zipHagane (U).zipHammerlock Wrestling (U).zipHanna Barbera's Turbo Toons (E).zipHardball III (U).zipHarley's Humongous Adventure (U).zipHarvest Moon (U).zipHead-On Soccer (U).zipHebereke's Popoitto (E).zipHit the Ice (U).zipHome Alone (U).zipHome Alone 2 - Lost in New York (U).zipHome Improvement (U) .zipHook (E).zipHumans, The (E).zipHungry Dinosaurs (E).zipHunt for Red October, The (U).zipHurricanes, The (U).zipHyper V-Ball (U).zipHyperZone (U) .zipIgnition Factor, The (U).zipIllusion of Gaia (U) .zipIllusion of Time (E).zipImperium (U).zipIncantation (U).zipIncredible Crash Dummies, The (U).zipIncredible Hulk, The (U).zipIndiana Jones' Greatest Adventures (U).zipInindo - Way of the Ninja (U).zipInspector Gadget (U).zipInternational Superstar Soccer (U) .zipInternational Superstar Soccer Deluxe (U).zipInternational Tennis Tour (U).zipIrem Major Title, The (E).zipIrem Skins Game, The (U).zipIron Commando (E) (NG-Dump Known).zipItchy & Scratchy Game, The (U).zipIzzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings (U) .zipJRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings - Volume 1 (U).zipJack Nicklaus Golf (U).zipJames Bond Jr (U).zipJames Pond 3 - Operation Starfish (E).zipJames Pond's Crazy Sports (E).zipJammit (U).zipJelly Boy (E).zipJeopardy! (U).zipJeopardy! Deluxe Edition (U).zipJeopardy! Sports Edition (U).zipJetsons, The - Invasion of the Planet Pirates (U).zipJim Lee's WildC.A.T.S (U).zipJim Power - The Lost Dimension in 3D (U) .zipJimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour (U).zipJimmy Houston's Bass Tournament U.S.A. (U).zipJoe & Mac (U) .zipJoe & Mac - Caveman Ninja (E) (M6) .zipJoe & Mac 3 - Lost in the Tropics (E) .zipJohn Madden Football '93 (U).zipJohn Madden Football (U).zipJudge Dredd (E).zipJudge Dredd (U) .zipJungle Book, The (U).zipJungle Strike (U) .zipJurassic Park (U) (V1.0).zipJurassic Park Part 2 - The Chaos Continues (U).zipJustice League Task Force (U).zipK.H. Rummenigge's Player Manager - 20 Week Sample (E).zipKablooey (U).zipKawasaki Carribean Challenge (U).zipKawasaki Superbike Challenge (U).zipKen Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (U).zipKen Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run (U) .zipKendo Rage (U).zipKevin Keegan's Player Manager (E) .zipKick Off (E) .zipKick Off 3 - European Challenge (E) .zipKid Klown in Crazy Chase (U).zipKiller Instinct (U) (V1.0).zipKing Arthur & The Knights of Justice (U) .zipKing Arthur's World (U).zipKing of Dragons, The (U).zipKing of the Monsters (U).zipKing of the Monsters 2 (U).zipKirby Super Star (U) .zipKirby's Avalanche (U) .zipKirby's Dream Course (U) .zipKirby's Dream Land 3 (U).zipKirby's Fun Pak (E) .zipKirby's Ghost Trap (E).zipKnights of the Round (U).zipKrusty's Super Fun House (U) (V1.0).zipKyle Petty's No Fear Racing (U).zipLagoon (U).zipLamborghini - American Challenge (U).zipLast Action Hero (U).zipLawnmower Man, The (U).zipLegend (E).zipLegend of The Mystical Ninja, The (U) .zipLegend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past (U) .zipLemmings (U) (V1.0).zipLemmings 2 - The Tribes (U).zipLester the Unlikely (U).zipLethal Enforcers (U).zipLethal Weapon (U) .zipLiberty or Death (U).zipLion King, The (U).zipLock On (U).zipLooney Tunes B-Ball (U).zipLooney Tunes Basketball (E).zipLost Vikings II, The (U).zipLost Vikings, The (U) .zipLucky Luke (E).zipLufia & The Fortress of Doom (U).zipLufia II - Rise of the Sinistrals (U).zipM.A.C.S. Basic Rifle Simulator (U) .zipMLBPA Baseball (U) .zipMadden NFL '94 (U).zipMadden NFL '95 (U) .zipMadden NFL '96 (U).zipMadden NFL '96 - Reviewer Version (U).zipMadden NFL '97 (U).zipMadden NFL '98 (U).zipMagic Boy (E).zipMagic Boy (U) .zipMagic Johnson's Super Slam Dunk (U).zipMagic Sword (U).zipMagical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, The (U) .zipManchester United Championship Soccer (E).zipMario Paint (E) .zipMario is Missing! (U).zipMario's Early Years - Fun With Letters (U).zipMario's Early Years - Fun With Numbers (U).zipMario's Early Years - Preschool Fun (U).zipMario's Time Machine (U).zipMark Davis' The Fishing Master (U).zipMarko's Magic Football (E).zipMarvel Super Heroes - War of the Gems (U).zipMary Shelley's Frankenstein (U).zipMask, The (U).zipMath Blaster - Episode 1 (U).zipMaui Mallard in Cold Shadow (U).zipMecarobot Golf (U).zipMechwarrior (U).zipMechwarrior 3050 (U).zipMega Man VII (U).zipMega Man X (U) (V1.0) .zipMega Man X 2 (U).zipMega Man X 3 (U).zipMega Man's Soccer (U) .zipMega lo Mania (E).zipMetal Combat - Falcon's Revenge (U) .zipMetal Marines (U).zipMetal Morph (U).zipMetal Warriors (U).zipMichael Andretti's Indy Car Challenge (U).zipMichael Jordan - Chaos in the Windy City (U) .zipMickey Mania (U) .zipMickey's Playtown Adventure - A Day Of Discovery! (U).zipMickey's Ultimate Challenge (U).zipMicro Machines (U).zipMicro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (E).zipMight and Magic II - Gates to Another World (E).zipMight and Magic III - Isles of Terra (U).zipMighty Max (U).zipMighty Morphin Power Rangers (U).zipMighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Fighting Edition (U).zipMighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (U).zipMo Hawk & Headphone Jack (U).zipMonopoly (U) (V1.0).zipMortal Kombat (U).zipMortal Kombat 3 (U) .zipMortal Kombat II (U) (V1.0).zipMountain Bike Rally (U) .zipMr. Do! (U).zipMr. Nutz (U).zipMr. Tuff (E) (NG-Dump Known).zipMs. Pac-Man (U).zipMusya (U) .zipMutant Chronicles - Doom Troopers (U) .zipMystic Quest Legend (E).zipNBA All-Star Challenge (U).zipNBA Give 'N Go (U).zipNBA Hang Time (U).zipNBA Jam (U) (V1.0).zipNBA Jam - Tournament Edition (U).zipNBA Live '95 (U) .zipNBA Live '96 (U) .zipNBA Live '97 (U) .zipNBA Live '98 (U) .zipNBA Showdown (U).zipNCAA Basketball (U) (V1.0).zipNCAA Final Four Basketball (U).zipNCAA Football (U).zipNFL Football (U).zipNFL Quarterback Club '96 (U) .zipNFL Quarterback Club (U).zipNHL '94 (U) .zipNHL '95 (U).zipNHL '96 (U).zipNHL '97 (U).zipNHL '98 (U).zipNHL Stanley Cup (U) .zipNHLPA Hockey '93 (U) .zipNatsume Championship Wrestling (U).zipNetwork Q Rally (U) (NG-Dump Known).zipNewman-Hass Indy Car Featuring Nigel Mansell (U).zipNickelodeon GUTS (U).zipNigel Mansell's World Championship Racing (U).zipNinja Gaiden Trilogy (U) .zipNinja Warriors, The (U).zipNo Escape (U).zipNobunaga's Ambition (U).zipNobunaga's Ambition - Lord of Darkness (U).zipNolan Ryan's Baseball (U).zipNosferatu (U).zipObitus (U) .zipOgre Battle - The March of the Black Queen (U) .zipOlympic Summer Games 96 (U).zipOn the Ball (U) .zipOperation Europe - Path to Victory 1939-45 (U).zipOperation Logic Bomb (U) .zipOperation Thunderbolt (U).zipOscar (U).zipOut of This World (U) .zipOut to Lunch (U).zipOutlander (U).zipPGA European Tour (U).zipPGA Tour 96 (U) .zipPGA Tour Golf (U).zipPac-Attack (U).zipPac-Man 2 - The New Adventures (U) .zipPac-in-Time (U).zipPacific Theater of Operations (U) .zipPacific Theater of Operations II (U).zipPacky & Marlon (U).zipPagemaster, The (U).zipPaladin's Quest (U).zipPaperboy 2 (U) .zipParodius - Non-Sense Fantasy (E).zipPeace Keepers, The (U) .zipPebble Beach Golf Links (U).zipPhalanx - The Enforce Fighter A-144 (U) .zipPhantom 2040 (U).zipPieces (U).zipPilotwings (U) .zipPinball Dreams (U).zipPinball Fantasies (U).zipPink Panther in Pink Goes to Hollywood (U).zipPinocchio (U).zipPirates of Dark Water, The (U).zipPit Fighter (U).zipPitfall - The Mayan Adventure (U).zipPlok! (U) .zipPocky & Rocky (U) .zipPocky & Rocky 2 (U) .zipPop'n Twinbee (E).zipPop'n Twinbee - Rainbow Bell Adventures (E).zipPopulous (U) .zipPopulous II - Trials of the Olympian Gods (E).zipPorky Pig's Haunted Holiday (U) (Acclaim).zipPower Instinct (U).zipPower Monger (E).zipPower Moves (U).zipPower Piggs of the Dark Age (U) .zipPower Rangers Zeo - Battle Racers (U).zipPrehistorik Man (U).zipPrimal Rage (E).zipPrimal Rage (U) .zipPrince of Persia (U).zipPrince of Persia 2 - The Shadow & The Flame (U).zipPro Quarterback (U).zipPro Sport Hockey (U).zipPush-Over (U).zipPutty Squad (E).zipPuzzle Bobble (E).zipQ-bert 3 (U) .zipR-Type III - The Third Lightning (U).zipRHI Roller Hockey '95 (U) (NG-Dump Known).zipRPM Racing (U).zipRace Drivin' (U) .zipRadical Rex (U).zipRaiden Trad (U).zipRampart (U).zipRanma Nibunnoichi (E).zipRanma Nibunnoichi - Hard Battle (U) .zipRap Jam - Volume One (U) .zipRealm (U).zipRedline F-1 Racer (U).zipRelief Pitcher (U).zipRen & Stimpy Show, The - Buckeroos! (U).zipRen & Stimpy Show, The - Fire Dogs (U).zipRen & Stimpy Show, The - Time Warp (U).zipRen & Stimpy Show, The - Veediots! (U).zipRevolution X (U).zipRex Ronan - Experimental Surgeon (U).zipRiddick Bowe Boxing (U).zipRise of the Phoenix (U).zipRise of the Robots (U).zipRival Turf (U).zipRoad Riot 4WD (E).zipRoad Runner (E).zipRoad Runner's Death Valley Rally (U) .zipRobocop 3 (U).zipRobocop Versus The Terminator (U).zipRobotrek (U).zipRock N' Roll Racing (U).zipRocketeer, The (U).zipRocko's Modern Life - Spunky's Dangerous Day (U).zipRocky Rodent (U).zipRoger Clemens' MVP Baseball (U).zipRomance of the Three Kingdoms II (U).zipRomance of the Three Kingdoms III - Dragon of Destiny (U).zipRomance of the Three Kingdoms IV - Wall of Fire (U).zipRun Saber (U) .zipSOS (U) .zipSWAT Kats - The Radical Squadron (U) .zipSamurai Shodown (U).zipSaturday Night Slam Masters (U).zipScooby-Doo (U).zipSeaQuest DSV (U).zipSecret of Evermore (U).zipSecret of Mana (U) .zipSecret of the Stars (U).zipSensible Soccer - International Edition (E).zipShadow, The (U).zipShadowrun (U) .zipShanghai II - Dragon's Eye (U) .zipShaq Fu (U) .zipShien's Revenge (U).zipSide Pocket (U).zipSim Ant (U) (49046).zipSim City (U) .zipSim City 2000 (U).zipSim Earth - The Living Planet (U).zipSimpsons, The - Bart's Nightmare (U) .zipSink or Swim (U).zipSkuljagger - Revolt of the Westicans (U).zipSky Blazer (E).zipSmart Ball (U).zipSmash Tennis (E) .zipSmurfs 2, The (E) .zipSmurfs, The (E).zipSnow White in Happily Ever After (U).zipSoccer Kid (E).zipSoccer Shootout (E).zipSoldiers of Fortune (U) .zipSonic Blast Man (U) .zipSonic Blast Man II (U).zipSonic the Hedgehog (Unl) .zipSoul Blazer (U) .zipSpace Ace (U).zipSpace Football - One on One (U).zipSpace Invaders (U) .zipSpace Megaforce (U) .zipSpanky's Quest (U).zipSparkster (U).zipSpawn (U).zipSpectre (U).zipSpeed Racer in My Most Dangerous Adventures (U).zipSpeedy Gonzales - Los Gatos Bandidos (U) (V1.0).zipSpell Craft (U).zipSpider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage (U).zipSpider-Man & Venom - Separation Anxiety (U).zipSpider-Man (U).zipSpider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge (U).zipSpindizzy Worlds (U).zipSpirou (E).zipSporting News Power Baseball, The (U).zipSports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball (U).zipStar Fox (U) (V1.0) .zipStar Fox Super Weekend Competition (U).zipStar Trek - Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time (U).zipStar Trek - Starfleet Academy Starship Bridge Simulator (U).zipStar Trek - The Next Generation - Future's Past (U) .zipStarWing (E) (V1.0) .zipStarWing Super Weekend Competition (E) .zipStargate (U).zipSteel Talons (U).zipSterling Sharpe - End 2 End (U).zipStone Protectors (U).zipStreet Combat (U).zipStreet Fighter Alpha 2 (U) .zipStreet Fighter II - The World Warrior (U) .zipStreet Fighter II Turbo (U).zipStreet Hockey '95 (U) (47875).zipStreet Racer (U).zipStrike Gunner (U) .zipStriker (E) .zipStunt Race FX (U) .zipSunset Riders (U).zipSuper Adventure Island (U) .zipSuper Adventure Island II (U).zipSuper Air Diver (E) .zipSuper Aleste (E).zipSuper Alfred Chicken (U) .zipSuper Aquatic Games, The (U).zipSuper BC Kid (E).zipSuper Baseball Simulator 1.000 (U) .zipSuper Bases Loaded 2 (U).zipSuper Bases Loaded 3 - License to Steal (U) (V1.0) .zipSuper Batter Up (U).zipSuper Battleship (U).zipSuper Battletank (E).zipSuper Battletank - War in the Gulf (U) (V1.0).zipSuper Battletank 2 (U).zipSuper Black Bass (U) .zipSuper Bomberman (U).zipSuper Bomberman 2 (U).zipSuper Bomberman 3 (E).zipSuper Bonk (U).zipSuper Bowling (U).zipSuper Buster Bros. (U) (V1.0) .zipSuper Caesars Palace (U) .zipSuper Castlevania IV (U) .zipSuper Chase H.Q. (U).zipSuper Conflict - The Mideast (U) .zipSuper Copa (B) .zipSuper Double Dragon (U).zipSuper Earth Defense Force (U).zipSuper Gameboy (JU) (V1.1) .zipSuper Ghouls 'N Ghosts (U) .zipSuper Goal! (U).zipSuper Goal! 2 (U).zipSuper Godzilla (U).zipSuper High Impact (U).zipSuper Hockey (E).zipSuper Ice Hockey (E).zipSuper International Cricket (E) .zipSuper James Pond (U).zipSuper James Pond II (E) .zipSuper Mario All-Stars (U) .zipSuper Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (U) .zipSuper Mario Kart (U) .zipSuper Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars (U) .zipSuper Mario World (U) .zipSuper Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island (U) (V1.0) .zipSuper Metroid (E) .zipSuper Morph (E).zipSuper NES Super Scope 6 (U) .zipSuper Ninja Boy (U).zipSuper Noah's Ark 3D (U) .zipSuper Nova (U).zipSuper Off Road (U) .zipSuper Off Road - The Baja (U).zipSuper Pang (E).zipSuper Pinball - Behind the Mask (U) .zipSuper Play Action Football (U).zipSuper Probotector - The Alien Rebels (E).zipSuper Punch-Out!! (U).zipSuper Putty (U).zipSuper R-Type (U) .zipSuper R.B.I. Baseball (U).zipSuper SWIV (E).zipSuper Shadow of the Beast (U).zipSuper Slapshot (U).zipSuper Smash T.V. 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(U) .zipTiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Sports Challenge (U).zipTiny Toon Adventures - Wild & Wacky Sports (E) (V1.0) .zipTom & Jerry (U).zipTony Meola's Sidekicks Soccer (U).zipTop Gear (U) .zipTop Gear 2 (U) .zipTop Gear 3000 (U) .zipTotal Carnage (U) .zipToy Story (U) .zipToys (U).zipTroddlers (U).zipTroy Aikman NFL Football (U) .zipTrue Lies (U).zipTuff E Nuff (U) .zipTurn and Burn - No-Fly Zone (U).zipTwisted Tales of Spike McFang, The (U).zipU.N. 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